Embracing Technology in Accounting Solutions

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Recently I sat down with Mike DeRosa, co-founder of DeRosa Mangold Consulting to ask him a series of questions about his take on the recent advances in accounting technology. I was also curious to know the reason for his passion about Sage Intacct and what has him shouting from the roof tops about the capabilities of this accounting solution.

Mike has been designing, consulting and implementing technology for the last 30+ years. He and the rest of the DeRosa Mangold team currently provide customized accounting solutions to controllers, accountants and business owners.

This is what he had to say about technology in today’s accounting systems.

Managing vs. Embracing

Why did you choose to embrace technology?

“The truth is, until recently, I was just managing technology. I was keeping it at arm’s length. Under control. Careful management. Trying to be close to the cutting edge of technology without being on the bleeding edge of technology.”


When did you realize there was more to the technically advanced accounting abilities of Sage Intacct compared to your past experience of simply managing a system?

embrace tech

“Well, something happened. I learned about Sage Intacct and its capabilities and suddenly a new foundation emerged. A foundation of stuff that just worked. Stuff that didn’t require overly careful installation or set up. More accurately, stuff that didn’t require any installation or set up... It simply just worked.”

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A New Level of Configuration

What was so enticing for you about Sage Intacct?


“It could be configured to my needs and the configuration options ran across products. Like an invisible standardization that made everything intuitive. I didn’t need a lot of training to figure out what to do. I needed some training to become proficient, to exploit my new capabilities, to take my performance to a level I had never been to before.”


What was the advantage of having this new level of configuration?


“I had a lot more time. And that time has allowed me to see things I was missing before! I drive a hybrid, which is programmed for hyper-mile-ing. My last 50,000 miles were at an average of 57mpg. In fact, my mileage actually gets a little worse when I try to influence it. So, all I really have to do is drive. It is one of the fastest accelerating cars I have owned and I am quite frankly a little scared to see where terminal velocity is on this car! Sage Intacct is the same way. I no longer have to influence the system and I’m able to see dimensions I wasn’t able to in the past.”

Just Fly the Plane

I know you’re also an avid pilot in your spare time. Often you make the statement, “Just fly the plane.” when referencing Intacct’s accounting solution. How would you compare these newfound capabilities to your experiences at thirty-thousand feet in the air?

"I recently upgraded the instrument panel in my 1966 Cherokee 180. I quite frankly didn’t realize how much button pushing, knob twisting and cross referencing I had to do until weeks after the installation. I kept reaching for the panel only to realize, “I don’t need to do that anymore”, or “oh, that button is gone now.” It was amazing how many empty reaches I made out of pure muscle memory those first weeks. Now, I just read the information I need, look outside and fly the airplane. Just like I was always supposed to, I just have way more time to do it. Not to mention, I went paperless in the plane quite a few years ago, now there is definitely no need to go back."

Mike's Plane
Mikes panel

Automation & Control in Real Time

You mentioned “paperless”. This is something many companies have begun doing over the past several years, finally letting go of the massive filing cabinets and even servers taking up precious office space. Did you have similar experiences once you incorporated Sage Intacct into your company?

“January first of this year we went serverless at DeRosa Mangold Consulting, meaning no servers to acquire, maintain, rent or host. As a result, none of my software requires upgrades, patches, installation, backup, disaster recovery or version management by me… the weak link!! In all of our company applications, we are always current. Each application provider is responsible for resources, backup and recovery, some even with financial penalties payable to me if they fail to maintain a standard. I will never receive an email saying my version is no longer supported. I am always current, always backed up, always supported, transactional and in real time.”


Embrace and Scale Up

How has Sage Intacct changed the way you perceive the advantage of modern technology in accounting systems?

“I stopped being a technology manager and became a technology user. I continue to be amazed at the level of proficiency our team continues to achieve in such a short time. Now I have the time I always wanted to create solutions and workflow and use great systems. I no longer have to spend time trying to figure out why great solutions are having trouble in our accounting environment. Sage Intacct delivers the automation and controls that reduce errors and help scale the business. I want to provide that experience to our clients. That’s why I’m so passionate about this product. I want others to experience the abilities and insight from multiple dimensions that Sage Intacct has to offer. I want people to know their time creating reports can be reduced drastically. I want them to know they can now more efficiently and effectively scale their company growth.”

company growth

To learn more about Sage Intacct

DMC team

DeRosa Mangold Consulting is a trusted team dedicated to partnering with you in a logical fashion to help you make the best decision for your company’s future growth. On average throughout multiple industries, startups to mid-sized organizations begin to see a return on investment in about 6 months. We will personally sit down with you and crunch the numbers, so you know when to expect your own ROI. We won’t tell anything but the truth so that you can make the best decision for your organization.

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People are talking...

Take a look at what one of our valued customers has to say:

Francesca T.
Accounts Manager


"My client hired Mike and his team to facilitate the movement of their company from QuickBooks and spreadsheets (lots and lots of spreadsheets!!) over to Sage Intacct. This was a big move for us, because we were finally able to put all our apples into the same basket. Mike and his team were always easy to get a hold of despite us being in separate time zones. They answered our questions the same day they were asked or always acknowledged receipt and told me, hey we are working on it. I feel like with a big transition like this, communication is key, and it's important as the client to feel like you are being heard." Read the full review.

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The AICPA and its subsidiary, CPA.com, named Sage Intacct as its first and only preferred provider of accounting applications.


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